Hip procedures overview

The hips are affected by a range of conditions, most of which relate to degeneration of the bone structure in the hip joint over a substantial period of time, although some conditions are caused by trauma i.e. accidents and other serious injuries. In most cases where non-surgical treatment has not been effective, a hip replacement procedure may be recommended.

The following is an overview of the types of hip replacement procedures carried out by Dr Moopanar.

Standard hip replacement

A hip replacement procedure (also known as 'total hip replacement' or 'hip arthroplasty') may be an option to treat severe hip arthritis as well as for people who have suffered major trauma, for example in a vehicle accident, or who have fractured one of more bones in the pelvis, or have some degeneration of the hip caused by other factors.

Read more about standard hip replacement

Complex hip replacement

The definition of a 'complex' hip replacement, as opposed to a 'standard' hip replacement, is the presence of any of a range of issues in a patient which may cause problems in the standard procedure and need to be planned for in advance to ensure a successful outcome for the patient.

Read more about complex hip replacement

Complex revision hip replacement

A revision hip replacement is a procedure to correct issues that have arisen with a previous hip replacement procedure.

Read more about complex revision hip replacement